Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Starting the Blog

Years ago I was approached about the idea of starting a blog.  I decided that I simply did not have the time.  But this past week, my mother-in-law suggested it again as I stood in line at Disneyland, checking emails, and trying to recreate my french bread recipe for a friend who had lost it in a move.  At that moment I realized that I spend more time sending out requested recipes and fielding cooking questions than I would creating a blog that could contain them.  So here we are. 

To all of you whom I have had the pleasure of feeding in my kitchen, I thank you.  I cook because I love to make others happy.  You have brought me real joy.  A wise woman once advised me to do one thing better than most people and share it.  Creating Delicious is the one thing I do best. Whether or not it is better than most remains to be seen, but I believe that true joy can be found in the service of others.  So do something you love, do it very well, then share the love!



  1. Caroline, you are awesome! You always make us happy when we eat your deliciousness. I look forward to following your blog.

  2. Thanks for sharing with us your talents you did make us happy while I was a missionary there. Love you so much

  3. Pretty sure the best food I've had the pleasure to eat has been at your house. Can't wait to have all your best recipes at my finger tips. We love you momma Caroline, and all the love (and food) you've shared with us!
